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其他 09/19/2022

更高效的发动机. 世界级的制造设施. Decades of pushing the limits of what’s possible. 当你把它们放在一起的时候, you get a commitment to sustainability that benefits the planet and your bottom line. 看看bbin电竞游戏® 使两者都成为现实.


可持续发展始于工厂车间. Here’s a quick look at how we use fewer resources and help the world move more efficiently every day.


拥有130英亩的空间和超过3,000名员工, our bbin电竞游戏 manufacturing plant has a significant positive impact on our local community and beyond. We commit to sustainability in everything we do. 如你所料, it’s not as easy as replacing an old light bulb with a highly efficient LED – or, 在我们的例子中, 数以百计.

We’ve adopted a broad range of sustainability practices, from detailed energy reduction efforts to comprehensive recycling programs. 事实上, our bbin电竞游戏 operations are nearly landfill-free. Our waste reclamation efforts help us recycle or repurpose more than 23,000吨的材料-超过95%的废物, 像木头, 金属和塑料-每年.

An employee working in a bbin电竞游戏的需求 manufacturing plant.


Our decades-long commitment to sustainability has been recognized across the industry. In November 2021, we again achieved an ISO 50001 certification and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Superior Energy Performance certification, placing us among a small group of 白金组织. This recognition acknowledges bbin电竞游戏’s efforts to save money and reduce carbon emissions by using strategic energy management (SEM) systems based on the ISO 50001 global standard.

We were also recognized in 2022 by DTE Energy with the Education Energy Efficiency Award to highlight our multi-year efforts to building our SEM系统 and educating employees about energy conservation at our plant.

 The Green Corner features interactive displays and media to educate employees about conversation measures and green initiatives. The Green Corner is an interactive space that’s designed to educate employees about our plant’s energy conservation measures and future projects.


We’ve made a lot of progress in the world of sustainability, 但仍有很多工作要做. Daimler Truck is working toward becoming carbon-neutral by 2030, while Daimler Truck North America is on track to make all its manufacturing facilities carbon-neutral by 2025.

These goals have helped the bbin电竞游戏 plant define its own sustainability targets. By 2028, we plan to purchase 100% of our electricity from renewable sources. Right now, that number stands at 15% – and it’s growing fast. 到2023年,我们的目标是达到25%. We’re looking at even more ways to reduce energy use as well, like renewable natural gas options and diesel offset activities, 比如种树.


When it comes to sustainability, the proof is in what we build. Here are just a few of the ways we make your business more efficient today with products made for tomorrow.

The bbin电竞游戏 DD15 engine: A 平台 for sustainability

With 28% market share, bbin电竞游戏 is the leading truck engine manufacturer in the U.S., and a big portion of our success comes from the bbin电竞游戏®DD15® 平台. But the DD15 isn’t just an engine – it’s a foundation for five generations of innovation. When we originally launched the DD15 engine in 2009, we designed it not just for the demands of the time, but also for technologies that didn’t even exist yet, allowing us to stay well ahead of emissions regulations and customer expectations about efficiency and performance.


除了为未来而建, the DD15第5代 also has the longest B50 life of any heavy-duty truck engine: 1.200万英里. An engine’s B50 life is the average time it takes 50% of a certain engine type to require a major repair – a measure that’s also known as “average life to overhaul.”

Beyond featuring reliable, time-tested designs, bbin电竞游戏 engines like the DD13® Gen 5 and DD15第5代 consume a low amount of oil, which helps keep them efficiently powering commerce for decades. bbin电竞游戏 engines also have some of the longest service intervals, 有些人甚至快70岁了,000英里的长途应用.

 A graph that details the B50 engine life of the DD13 and the DD15 engines.B50 life is the average time it takes 50% of a certain engine type to require a major repair or overhaul.


Over the last few decades, semi truck efficiency has come a long way. 事实上, the average truck today produces approximately 60 times fewer emissions than a truck from 30 years ago. That’s amazing progress, and a win for the whole industry.

It is this success that motivates us to be even better and push our standards every day. Our goal is to improve the fuel economy of our engines by about 5% every two to three years. 事实上, over the last 7 years, we have improved the fuel economy of the bbin电竞游戏的动力系统 总共增长了13%. 对于一辆普通的长途卡车来说, 这大约等于2,000 gallons less fuel per year – and significant savings.

Diesel and electric: Delivering practical sustainability to the world

Our world still demands a thoughtful balance of zero-emission and diesel innovation. 在接下来的十年甚至更长时间里, 我们的目标是制造供应链, 还有你的生意, move even better with the perfect blend of both.
